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About Me

My name is Tony Johnson and I'm a certified personal trainer and a nutrition specialist. I am currently finishing my degree in Health Science. After discovering my love for fitness, I became obsessed with learning everything about the human body and what it's capable of. I used my knowledge to not only build my dream body, but have helped many other men and women do the same. I believe that everyone can achieve their goals with a change of mindset and a combination of diet, exercise, and consistency.

I help men and women get started on their fitness journey, transform their mind/body, and hold them accountable. I have experience in fat loss, muscle gain, cardio improvement, and can even help people target areas they struggle with such as growing legs or glutes. Whether you're working out at home with limited time and equipment or working out at a big box gym, I will get you to your goals and help you stay there.

Take control of your life, mind, and body by getting started today!

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